This is an application packaged as a snap that allows a user to check for new posts and updates on a Discourse server via the command line. It displays posts related to a website and category in tree format. It is used by the Ubuntu Server team to track questions and suggestions related to documentation.
Tags: #python #discourse
While building the firmware for a new device, I came across a battery voltage bug that required probing the I2C lines of the charger. However, it was annoying to look through the datasheet repeatedly then convert values to figure out what was being sent back and forth. So I ended up creating a plugin for Saelae Logic 2 to read it and write out the results for me. After solving the bug with this plugin, I worked on it some more to make it more user friendly. Now it is an official extension for Logic 2 that can be used by others to fix their battery charging issues.
In order to conveniently use Canonical's Vanilla Framework design library with Django templates, I created a middleware to set it up automatically. A user can now install django-vanillaframework via pip, set up the library, then use it with a template command.